Wednesday, June 21, 2017

What Ladies Breeches Are For

By Essie Osborn

Horse back riding is such a great sports. Some people even consider it a passion. Those who you are into it are called equestrian. To be able to become a successful equestrian, there a lot of things needed. One example is the breeches. Ladies breeches are available for equestrienne. Aside from that, there are also things that you need to have to make sure that you will be safe while doing this kind of sport.

Proper attitude is needed as well. Being able to properly look into the safety precautions is one of the basic needs before you get into it. Know that it will be your safety which will be at risk if you happen to decline them. Here are some more things to help you get going.

Be a kind and assertive leader. This does not look like it applies to horses. You might be wondering why it is needed anyway. This kind of animal needs someone to lead them in a right way. They need someone to keep them feel safe all the time. That being said, although you are someone who needs to be gentle on them, whenever you start riding and running, they have to be able to follow your cues. You should not sink in to their minds that they have to follow you or else they will be punished. Everything must be done in a good way.

You may or may not practice on a daily basis. But, whenever you feel you need a rest, also give your horses a little favor. Visit them and take care of them personally. A gently pat on each of them can make them feel how much they are loved and cared for. Just like humans, they treasure times like that. They also need what we humans need.

Always have presence of mind. There are certain gestures you have to practice and master especially those that are needed during the run. You also must know how to properly give your horses cues and make them follow. Remember, these are the stuff that you have to learn while on practice. There might be no more time for you to do so when you already claim that you are ready for the run.

Give every detail an attention. Make sure that you know what some things are for and know what every action of your horse means. You have to know them well especially the way they act when they are not feeling okay on the field. Give out your best shot. If you think you can do something to change some of the stuff implemented then do so in a careful manner.

Never do unnecessary movements while on the back of the horse. That will surely result to an accident. If you still do not know how to do tricks, then better practice first before trying hard to avoid any harsh results.

Have fun. That is the root of everything. As long as you enjoy what you are doing, then that would be great. Just always put in mind how risky this sport is so you will be reminded to take extra careful.

In anything you do, safety and proper training is needed. Never think or feel that you are already good without having both. Always know the possible things that may happen to you in case of any reckless behaviors so you will be more careful at all times.

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