Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Back Pain Chiropractic Treatment Atlanta Examination What To Expect

By Marissa Velazquez

In many regards, a back pain chiropractic Treatment Atlanta examination is similar to the standard examination procedures that are administered by all other health care providers. However, how a chiropractor examines the structures as well as functions of the spine and determines specific treatments separates this practice from the other disciplines. The initial exam is divided into three distinctive parts, the consultation, study of case history and a physical examination.

While in consultation, you will be required to book an appointment with your chiropractor and provide a synopsis of the discomfort you are feeling. The specialist will also need to know how frequent and how long the symptoms last, an accurate description of the discomfort as well as specific areas you feel the ache. You will also need to tell him or her when and what position the ache gets to become better or worse.

On identification of areas of complaint, the chiropractor determines the nature of discomfort felt through a series of questions as well as learns more about the patient's history. Particular areas of interest include family history, dietary habits and history of treatments. The patient's occupational and psychosocial history is also examined for new areas that may require further probing.

During the physical examination, your chiropractor can use various methods in order to be certain of the spinal segments affected. Some of the most common techniques used include static and motion palpation that can help find restricted or fixated spinal segments. Other diagnostic tests like X-rays are used to identify and accurately locate the subluxations as well as a specialized tool used to take the skins temperature on particular points in an effort to identify a variance in temperatures.

To understand better the discomfort you are going through, chiropractors employ what is called as the triage concept. This method involves the classification of injuries incurred into either serious, nerve issues or non-specific. The treatment to be offered is hugely determined by the extent of damage done to spine.

Diagnosis marked as potentially serious indicates cauda equina (major neurological problem), tumor, infection, prolonged bleeding, joint infection or fracture. Nerve problems indicate an issue where nerves root is been pinched or compressed thereby leading to sciatica that is caused by a lumbar herniated disc, stenosis or spondylolisthesis. The non-specific category includes discomforts with no cause identifiable.

If diagnosed with potentially serious injuries, the chiropractor will most often refer you to a surgeon or a qualified medical specialist. Your chiropractor will work hand in hand with the other specialists to ensure that your ailment is well managed. Nerve root issues are categorized by the number of weeks one has been experiencing the symptoms as less than six weeks (acute), between six and twelve weeks (sub-acute), more than twelve weeks (chronic) and regular flare ups.

Back pain chiropractic treatment Atlanta professional break down sciatica symptoms into mild, moderate and severe. One of the main roles of a chiropractor is to ensure that there is a reduction of subluxation, help improve your motion range, aid in reducing nerve irritability and improve general function. Side effects of treatments administered by these professionals include soreness, which is controlled using an ice pack.

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