Sunday, May 28, 2017

Upcoming Treatment Options for Eye Floaters

Eye floaters are a very annoying condition. They come and go and it's often impossible to really look at them since they move so rapidly inside our vitreous humor. In this article, I will write about the two new techniques that are being developed independently for treating eye floaters. They might come in a few years, or they might come in a few months.

If you don't know what eye floaters are, they are those tiny "bugs" which are so apparent against a white background. They are actually situated inside the eye and they won't go away by rubbing your eye (that will only actually make them worse). Although eye floaters can appear in anyone's vision, they are much more common in older individuals (60+).

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The first technique is done with the help of magnets. The doctor will be able to use several magnets to pull the eye floaters down and away from the field of vision. Although this technique might be really helpful, it's still up for debate whether it will harm other part's of the eye or not.

A lot of research still needs to be done on this first technique, but once everything is set up, it does sound like a great idea. I mean, it doesn't really matter whether the floaters are inside our eyes - all that matters is that we don't actually see them and that we are not bothered by them every single days of our lives.

The second technique will be done with the help of tiny needles. A very skilled doctor will "pick out" the floaters one by one until the big ones are removed from the eye. Although this might seem very invasive, with new technlogy in surgical instruments this is becoming more and more plausible.

I personally believe that the first technique looks more promising, but only time will tell. I hope that these techniques become standard procedure so that their cost is low and they become really effective.

As to whether you should have surgery to remove your eye floaters, ask yourself this: can you really live without your eyes? On the other hand, can you live with eye floaters?

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