Monday, May 15, 2017

Tips On Natural Menopause Symptom Relief

By George Martin

Menopause refers to the decline in the synthesis of various sex hormones such as testosterone, progesterone and estrogen in ovaries, leading to the end of menstruation. There is no trigger for the decline, it happens naturally. At around age 50, women start entering the menopause stage which is often characterized by a lot of symptoms and physiological changes. These symptoms and physiological changes cause diverse effects of quality of life.

The ovaries end their monthly routine after several years of preparing and releasing eggs. Menopausal symptoms are many and they vary in severity from woman to woman. Some of the most common symptoms are insomnia, irritability, vagina dryness, depression, mood swings, headaches, and hot flashes among others. Because these symptoms can be severe in some cases, a lot of medications have been invented for relieving them. Natural menopause symptom relief methods have also been formulated.

Natural approaches to relieving menopausal symptoms work by addressing the imbalances that exist in sex hormones including testosterone, progesterone, and estrogen. They are more beneficial because one does not have to worry about side effects that characterize prescription medications such as antidepressants. Here are main natural steps that one can take to correct the menopausal problems.

Dietary change is the first solution. One should eat a balanced diet full of proteins, essential nutrients, complex carbohydrates, minerals, good fats, and vitamins. Substantial amount of vegetables and fruits should be included too. To maintain blood sugar at stable levels, three meals are recommended in a day with two or more snacks. Among the foods to avoid are those that contain refined carbohydrates and sugars. Most women fail to follow strict dietary requirements because they have busy schedules. They end up doing what is prohibited and that must be avoided because the body needs time and attention too.

There are many herbal remedies that one can use to prevent some of the symptoms. The good thing with plants is that they can adapt to the needs of the body because they have similar molecular features as some of the hormones in the body. This allows them to support the production of hormones, slow it, or mimic what hormones do. Some of such herbs are black cohosh, chaste berry, wild yam, ashwagandha, and passionflower.

Gaining weight is among the menopausal symptoms experienced. The weight increase is caused when estrogen hormone level fluctuates. Deposition of fats around the abdomens and stomachs cause the observed weight increase. Solving the problem involves simple daily exercise. Such exercises include yoga, dancing, swimming, walking, and biking.

Additional neurotransmitter and hormonal imbalances can be caused by stress. Stress impacts neurotransmitters and hormones that affect mood, blood sugar imbalances, mental function, thyroid function, and digestive function among others. Hot flashes, low libido, and other menopausal symptoms have been associated with stress too. As such, lowering stress levels can relieve most symptoms.

Most of the natural solutions named above cannot be achieved overnight. It takes time to make all the named lifestyle changes and so one should not be in a hurry. It is good to take one step at a time.

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