Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Stress Relief From Your Basalt CO Wellness Chiropractor

By Tabatha Fickel

If your life is difficult because you are anxious or stressed out, you are not alone. Many people in Colorado are currently dealing with levels of stress that are dangerously high and they need to find some way to find relief. With busy schedules and little free time, it can seem impossible to unwind and relax each day. However, you can receive help with stress relief from your local Aspen CO wellness chiropractor and it may be easier than you imagine.

Stress affects the entire body and makes blood pressure rise and muscles in the back and neck become tense and stiff. This can lead to frequent headaches and bouts of insomnia. Chiropractic therapy can include several types of massage techniques and this not only relaxes all your muscles, it has a soothing effect on both body and mind.

Although acupuncture has been around for thousands of years, it is still effective today for stress related problems. Acupuncture philosophy concerns energy meridians which run through the entire body, carrying life force (qi). When qi cannot freely circulate throughout each area of the body, you could be feeling ill or in pain, and acupuncture releases these blockages.

Exercise is great for overcoming stress and tension, but it can be hard to find the right exercise to incorporate into your schedule. Your chiropractic doctor can provide pilates training which is proven to help you relax and refocus. Plus, you will be around others for motivation.

Stress can be the result of a misaligned spine. Many nerves in your body run through the spine and the slightest misalignment issue can cause these nerves to become irritated or impinged. Chiropractic adjustment restores your spine to its natural condition, relieving many symptoms.

Your chiropractic professional in Aspen is there with many different alternative medicine options. If you wish, you can unwind and enjoy a medical spa experience. Once you have the right kind of chiropractic care, your stress and tension may simply vanish.

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