Tuesday, April 4, 2017

How A North York Chiropractor Uses Acupuncture Therapy To Treat Pain Effectively

Patients who are struggling with nagging pain may want to consider receiving effective, alternative therapy from a North York acupuncture clinic. This ages-old practice originates in Asia and has gained acceptance in the Western world of alternative medicine in the last few decades as a pain relief approach. Specific points on the body are stimulated by the insertion of thin needles which promotes the alleviation of pain.

Acupuncture can be done in several different ways. The Traditional Chinese Medicine method is the one most commonly practiced. The basic belief is that the body possesses a vital force known as "Qi" which normally flows along pathways which are termed "meridians" throughout the body. If there is a blockage in one of these pathways, sickness and pain may result. By stimulating the appropriate "acupoints", this blockage is removed. This method sometimes twists the needles once placed, and may apply heat during the process.

The Japanese method differs in that it uses a more shallow degree of insertion and the needles are not usually moved once they are placed. The Korean version only insert needles in the extremities. In any method, usually 4 to 10 needles are used and they remain inserted for 10 to 30 minutes. A course of therapy normally consists of 6 to 12 sessions over a period of 3 months.

Two body systems are affected by this pain management approach; the circulatory system and the nervous system. When these essential life forces are not allowed to flow freely, it can cause illness and pain as a result. Through the insertion of needles into specific points, these blockages are eliminated leading to healing and freedom from pain.

Modern medical research continues to fully understand the effective mechanism of this ancient practice. Evidence indicates that it stimulates the brain to produce more endorphins and encephalins, which are neurotransmitters. A high level of these substances has a pain-blocking effect similar to the drug morphine.

While Western medicine does not have all the answers to date regarding this alternative approach to pain relief, studies do indicate that it is safe and works. This approach is also capable of correcting more than one condition at a time. A skilled North York acupuncture therapist will provide patients with quick and long-lasting results.

About the Author:  By Christian Bordner

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