Monday, February 27, 2017

Understand John Of God Healing

By Marci Glover

Crystals have been part of alternative therapy for centuries. They have provided different societies with a natural alternative. This is the same tactic being employed by John of God healing therapy. The Brazilian pastor has improved it with the inclusion of faith. He seeks to tap into the energy found in nature to provide a new alternative to the patients.

A special white colored cloth is used to cover the faces of patients as they lie on the bed. Seven cylinders are dangled over the bed as part of the assembly. It is the cylinders that hold the crystals. Special light is passed through the crystals with an intervening filter to spread it. The desired effect is produced when the filter manipulates the light passing through these crystals. The aim of this stream is to activate chakra so that energy can flow to other parts of the body.

The unique properties of crystals make them ideal for this assignment. The combination depends on expectations from this procedure. Each crystal has a unique beam with particular energy properties and a distinct effect on the body. Not all kind of light can activate the chakra thus not all crystals can be used in the process of healing. Reigniting the chakra brings harmony in the body making an individual more energetic.

Besides being a pastor, John is a healer who acquired the supernatural powers by allowing positive energy from the world to control his system. It combined with the divine love he felt and had for humanity. This is what grew to become healing power. It is all attributed to God as he regards himself as an instrument or tool of the most high.

Supernatural interventions form part of what gives John the power to heal. They come in the form of angels, departed doctors and ancient healers. These three professions pass the power and energy that is passed over to sick patients. The pastor maintains contact with the spirits of healers who are intermediaries in the process. They give him the goodness he requires to perform his work. He has regular talks with them and takes advice on various issues. They also help him in diagnosis as he seeks to solve problems for his patients.

There are other additions to the crystal bed during the process. The use of crystals has been a part of therapy procedures for societies since time in memorial. Crystals are also associated with good luck and as a source of wisdom. Activation of chakra which causes healing results from unique oscillations of the light that is refracted by the crystals. These properties make crystals a crucial part of good health.

The results of crystal therapy include renewed energy and relaxation. Many people have turned to this therapy because of its non-invasive nature. It also is natural and does not involve medication. It is comfortable and does not lead to scars, operations or indecent exposure. It requires the stimulation of chakra so that energy can flow to all parts of the body.

John assists patients with different conditions to find solutions or heal their afflictions. The patients are advised to continue with medication since this process is a supplement and not a replacement. Research is on going to establish if this form of therapy can be expanded to provide solutions to other health issues.

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