Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Relief From Sciatica Caused By Lumbar Spine Origin

By Randy Clayton Mazch

Lower back problems can cause several conditions including pain that travels down the leg, a condition called sciatic nerve pain. For over 90 percent of patients, this pain results from a problem with a disc in the lower back, an area anatomically termed the lumbar spine. There are a number of terms used commonly such as a bulging, slipped, protruding, or herniated disc. Research indicates that 95 percent of patients may experience relief by using chiropractic care, a noninvasive, conservative treatment administered by a health care professional called a chiropractor.

Sciatic nerve pain is described as one of the most painful conditions a patient experience. A doctor of chiropractic is skilled in treating patients suffering from this condition. Chiropractors have over six years of total education in learning their skills. A history, physical examination and imaging are used to make a diagnosis and if appropriate, chiropractic care is given to help improve the symptoms. Many people turn to chiropractic as an alternative to surgery that can relieve sciatica without drugs or invasive techniques.

Chiropractic adjustments may include spinal manipulation to address lack of normal motion and correct the spinal alignment. It may also consist of electric muscle stimulation to relax muscles in spasm and corrective exercises that stretch and increase flexibility and strengthen the muscles supporting the area. Traction of the disc is another common chiropractic therapy for sciatic nerve pain. Traction involves stretching the spine axially thus taking pressure from the affected disc. The disc protrusion is gently diminished while the disk is nourished. After period of treatment, the protrusion may reduce enough to relieve pressure from the impinged nerve.

Treatment given by a chiropractor is an alternative to prescription medications and steroid injections, each of which may have side effects. Patients can increase the relief received from chiropractic treatment by generally taking care of their health. Exercises given by the chiropractor can stretch the lower back to help relieve compression of the nerve root. Chiropractors can advise the patient as to appropriate exercises to perform on a regular basis as well.

If pain exacerbates between chiropractic visits, application of a cold pack to the painful area for 20-minute intervals several times a day may provide relief. Using cold pack treatments until the next chiropractic appointment may provide relief.

Since it is not always possible to prevent this condition from reoccurring, patients can do several things to minimize chances of return. Consistent daily exercise is important for both this area and overall health. Exercise should focus on stretching muscles of the lower back and strengthening the lower abdomen that are essential for correct alignment and posture. This is especially helpful if done immediately in the morning to get the body ready for the physical activity of the upcoming day.

Chiropractic care has proven to be effective for many patients suffering from sciatic nerve pain due to a lumbar lower back disc condition. This alternative to traditional treatment can prevent a patient with sciatica from needing an operation. People with lumbar spine conditions should consult with a health care specialist to determine whether they are a candidate for chiropractic therapy.

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