Sunday, February 26, 2017

Little Know Secrets When It Comes To Acne Skin Care Treatment

By Adelbert Botfield

I have been suffering from acne for a few years now and just now been able to get a grip, and take charge of my acne problem. I tried everything from Proactive to over the counter face creams. If you don't think natural treatments work you are missing out on a great thing. Natural treatments for acne alone can be the best acne skin care treatment.

There is logically a huge market for acne treatments and skin care products. This could be due to the fact that the skin condition is a very common problem that could affect just about everyone regardless of age and gender. You should find, buy, and use no less than the best acne treatment product

Toothpaste. Yes, you heard me right. Toothpaste, especially the real minty kind, can be a real life saver if you are in a tight pinch.

Apply some toothpaste to swelling or swollen bumps right before bedtime and leave it there overnight. You will notice that in the morning the redness and swelling will be down a lot.
Acne Skin Care Treatment
Lemon and Water. The first thing you need is the skin off of a lemon. Take this with some warm water and wash your face with the skin of the lemon. This is known to have great results as a natural face wash.

Salt and Vinegar! Salt and vinegar both have this strong power of destroying every single bacteria on its way. Mix them both and rub them gently on your skin and leave it to dry for 15 minutes.

Apricot Juice! Apply apricot juice on your skin and leave it on for 15 minutes. You will feel the bumps on your skin being sliced off.

Drink at least 8 full glasses each day, and try to aim for 10-12. Water is a great natural remedy for acne because it will flush the toxins out of your body and help your skin heal.

Long Hair. If you have long hair that touches your face and neck, this could be a main cause of the acne that you have. Try to make sure that you wash your hair every day and wash it with a soap that will get rid of all of the oils.

Popping Pimples. Just don't do it. Popping pimples can lead to very bad things. You will spread the bacteria that are on your face causing more acne to show up.

You also have the chance of pressing the pus down further down into your skin which can lead to cystic acne. That is the last thing that we want. I know it can be tempting, but just don't do it.

Stay Out of The Kitchen. When foods are frying you need to stay away from the kitchen. The grease becomes airborne and settles all over everything including your skin.

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